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    Environmental protection "hurricane" blew! Closing the factory, shutting down, and raising prices! Substandard factories will be shut down at the end of September! The manufacturing industry is facing a "big reshuffle"

    發(fā)布日期: 2017-08-16    瀏覽次數(shù): 5934    新聞編輯: 

    Plants that cannot be upgraded to meet the emission standards will be closed before the end of September!

    The Ministry of Environmental Protection recently put forward a new management approach to environmental protection supervision with the "five-step approach", and environmental law enforcement has become increasingly vigorous. In July, the Ministry of Environmental Protection announced that the strict management of "scattered pollution" enterprises will be one of the key elements of the strengthening of supervision, and all enterprises that cannot upgrade and transform to meet the emission standards will be closed by the end of September 2017. In the second half of the year, the Ministry of Environmental Protection will strictly rectify environmental issues. While the most stringent "Environmental Protection Law" in history is issued, it will ensure that the "five-step approach" of the supervision storm is effective, so that corporate compliance will gradually become the norm.

    A bearing factory in Linqing was demolished and legal person detained

    Sorry, I'm just a manufacturer!

    "I'm just a manufacturer. I don't work hard, I don't make manufacturability, what do I use to survive."

    "Who knows the pain of manufacturing now?"

    Tian Weiyong, director of the Environmental Supervision Bureau of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, reported that in the three months since the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas air pollution prevention and control strengthened inspections were launched, the strengthened inspection team has inspected more than 32,000 companies, of which more than 20,000 companies have environmental violations. It accounts for more than 64%, especially the problem of "scattered and polluted" enterprises, and the number of illegal problems such as imperfect pollution control facilities is prominent. "By the end of June, the number of ‘scattered and polluting’ companies reported by local inspections reached 176,000. At the end of September, all companies that cannot be upgraded and reformed must be banned and closed."

    Tian Weiyong said that the Ministry of Environmental Protection implements a very strict accounting system. Taking the rectification of "scattered and polluted" enterprises as an example, the companies that are to be shut down must achieve "two cuts and three cleans", that is, cut off water, cut off electricity, clean raw materials, and clean equipment. , Clear the venue. Previously, the argument that “environmental protection inspections affect the local economy” has aroused widespread concern regarding the coverage of enhanced inspections. In response, Tian Weiyong responded that adopting a high-pressure posture against environmentally illegal enterprises will not affect the normal social and economic development. "There are no formalities, no treatment facilities, and no "scattered pollution" three non-businesses that do not meet the discharge standards should not exist anywhere."

    Environmental supervision will not stop! Focus on supervision until the end of the year!

    Let's see when to start checking your factory?

    July-August supervision focus: supervise whether all localities have completed the issuance of pollutant discharge permits by the end of June; the installation, networking and operation of "elevated sources" automatic monitoring equipment; and the discharge status of industrial pollution sources.

    The focus of the September inspection: Before the end of September, all coal-fired boilers in the urban administrative area will implement special emission limits for sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particulate air pollutants. Investigate and punish excessive emissions in accordance with the law. Supervise whether various regions have completed the peak-shift production plan and the formulation of the list. Enterprises in key industries that do not perform peak-shift production must verify the maximum allowable production load according to the tasks they undertake, and conduct approval or filing in accordance with the requirements of the "Work Plan".

    Key points of inspection after October:

    (1) The status of the completion of the ban on "small, scattered and polluting" enterprises by the end of October;

    (2) The completion of the elimination of coal-fired boilers of 10 tons or less, as well as large tea stoves and small commercial coal stoves by the end of October;

    (3) The implementation of special emission limits for sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particulate air pollutants emitted by coal-fired boilers;

    (4) The issuance of pollutant discharge permits for the iron and steel, cement and other industries;

    (5) The discharge status of industrial pollution sources meeting standards.

    Now the country is vigorously pursuing environmental protection every year. It is true that the ecological environment has been extremely damaged by human beings, but who has ever thought that the manufacturing industry targeted by the state is likely to be originally difficult, but it was strongly supported at the beginning, and now it is "one size fits all" again. Whose fault is this? ? When survival and ecology are before my eyes, what do you think I should choose? I'm sorry. I'm just a manufactory!

    In 2017, under the environmental storm, the manufacturing industry was facing a "big reshuffle", which made manufacturers feel painful, and many manufacturers became confused about whether to stay or leave in the manufacturing industry...

    The State Administration of Work Safety: Carry out a centralized inspection of production safety from July to October, self-inspection and reform in July, and centralized rectification from August

    A few days ago, the State Administration of Work Safety issued the "Notice of the Work Safety Committee of the State Council on Carrying out National Work Safety Inspections", announcing that a four-month long inspection of enterprises will be carried out from July to October. This inspection will severely punish a batch of illegal behaviors in accordance with the law; thoroughly tackle a batch of potential major accidents; shut down and ban a batch of companies that violate laws, regulations and do not meet the conditions for safe production, and jointly punish a batch of seriously dishonest companies; accountability exposes a batch of untrustworthy companies Units and individuals with inadequate implementation and measures; strictly implement various safety precaution responsibilities and measures, and resolutely curb major accidents.

    In the major safety inspections carried out from July to October, all the manufacturing plants in 34 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China will be "inspected", and none of them will be spared! Some people in the industry sigh: The environmental protection storm has not gone out, and the safety supervision storm has risen again. This round of inspections will force the industry to reshuffle. It seems that in the future, companies that have not done well in environmental protection and safe production will surely die!

    The safety supervision inspection cannot be ignored. Enterprises with the following problems please self-inspect quickly

    The following six major situations are links that are easily overlooked by factories, and many companies have unfortunately been recruited. Enterprises with similar problems, hurry up and check themselves!

    1. Hazardous chemicals are not stored in special warehouses;

    2. No emergency rescue plan for production safety accidents and transit warehouses for hazardous chemicals have been formulated;

    3. The case of not establishing a system for the investigation and management of hidden dangers of work safety accidents;

    4. Special equipment has not been inspected regularly;

    5. Failure to organize workers to conduct occupational health inspections in accordance with the law;

    6. Violation of occupational disease prevention and control regulations.

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